“He just didn’t come home,” she said, doubling over in my office chair and sobbing into her hands. I could feel her pain in my stomach and almost smell the sadness of her tears. I held still as [...]
I successfully completed all of my holiday shopping online this year and I am not alone in this technologically savvy feat. In 2017, over half of the US population holiday shopped without [...]
“Could you please step out of the picture? We just want a photo of our family.” This is how my client’s recent holiday visit to her in-laws began. Her in-laws awkwardly requested that she step [...]
Ah…L’amour. The early stages of falling in love can be a euphoric experience that can blind you from seeing your lover’s natural human flaws. For some, falling in love is an experience of [...]
When I was about 7 years old, I loved playing with Weeble Wobbles, you know…the plastic little egg people who don’t fall down. I remember spending endless hours entertaining myself by creating [...]
I admit, I left Facebook cold turkey years ago when I discovered how much time I wasted making myself feel terrible. My internal dialogue while perusing profiles often went something like this, [...]
If you were trapped inside a house your entire life and was suddenly given the chance to run free wouldn’t you take it? Not my cat, Holly. Granted, my five-year-old indoor cat has a very cushy [...]
It’s that time of year again when people set New Year’s Resolutions, passionately committing to that act of self-improvement, some piling into the gyms with their new workout wear ready to lose [...]
Hello people of Boston! Can you say hello or maybe crack a slight smile? “What’s up with Boston, people aren’t friendly here.” I oftentimes hear this comment from my clients, particularly clients [...]
Taking Control of your Self-Talk. Have you said “Hello” to the voice inside your head? You know the one you talk to all day. It is called a “self-narrative.” Your self-narrative affects how you [...]